
β€»In order to use AR mode, you must make sure your camera permission is turned on in your mobile settings. To enjoy Recover contents in AR mode, you must first summon your MXEGG or PET. The Recover tab allows you to recover the consumed HP of your MXEGG/PET through exercise. Recovery items are available on the Market > other tab.

  1. You can check the current HP status of your MX EGG/PET.

  2. You can check the towels or food items you currently have. When you click an item, the item will change to an available state.

  1. Select and hold the item with your finger and rub your MXEGG to consume the item while charging the HP.

  2. If you want to use another item, you can change it to another item by clicking the x button.

  3. You can check the current number of the selected item you have and the amount of HP charged when used.

  1. For MXPETs, select a food item and throw it to your PET by swiping up, and the HP will charge while the PET eats.

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