MX EGG/PET Attributes

POWER : (Earn MXT/UPT for indoor exercise) Higher power affects MXT/UPT accumulation of indoor exercise. The higher the power level, the better the MXT/UPT Reward.

SPEED : (Earn MXT/UPT for outdoor exercise) Higher speed affects MXT/UPT accumulation for outdoor exercise. The higher the speed, the better the MXT/UPT Reward.

FORTUNE : (Luck) The higher the fortune level, the higher the probability of finding a lucky box.

HEART : (Durability) The Heart value affects the HP value, and the higher the Heart value, the slower the HP decreases.

As HP decreases, overall attribution levels are affected and mining efficiency is reduced.

Penalties that occur when HP decreases are as follows.

1. At 55/100 durability, the MXUP EGG NFT efficiency drops to 90%. 2. At 45/100 durability, the MXUP EGG NFT efficiency drops to 20%. 3. At 35/100 durability, the MXUP EGG NFT efficiency drops to 5%. 4. MX EGG NFT cannot be used for mining at 0/100 durability

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